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VH Model Program

Want Hair Extensions but not keen on the price tag? Our Model Program is for you!

We open our Model Program up periodically throughout the year for new and current customers to apply. This model program helps us test new products, try new fitting techniques and apply Hair Extension types that are new to the market, whilst giving our lovely customers a fantastic price on Top Quality set of Hair Extensions (we wouldnt allow any other standard!). This is the best way we know to stay ahead of the game and hold our position as the best Hair Extension company in Brisbane. As a part of this program, your first fitting is ALWAYS free (as we want to take photos, videos and conduct team reviews).

Sign up using the form below! We only allow a limited number of 4 customers onto our model program...what are you waiting for!

Terms & Conditions of Model Application
  • I understand that, should I be selected, $50 will be charged to me upon booking of the first consultation. This will cover the consultation time, should it be deemed by our specialists that you are not suitable for hair extensions after completing this form or decide not to go ahead with being a VH model. This $50 will be redeemable from the prices stated on the application form. This $50 payment will be retained should you cancel, re-arrange or postpone your consultation appointment within 48hrs of the booked appointment.
  • I understand that the maximum length of extensions in this program is 20 inch. Should you want more inches, it is an additional $20 per inch (in 2 inch increments).
  • All model sets are ordered as Remy Virgin Double drawn. Should you want to order super double drawn, a 10% charge will be added to the cost.
  • I understand that, should I be selected for the program, I am able to decline to participate – however this will negate me from any participation in this program in the future.
  • I understand that the full model price must be paid at the consultation (if deemed suitable by a specialist) and wish to go ahead and that there is an additioner 2.2% card charge if paid in this manner (cash & bank transfer accepted) If i need to use Afterpay, i agree to pay an additional 10% 6.6% Afterpay fees added to the price.
  • I agree that Vixen Hair Extensions can take photos and videos before and after and may video any part of the consultation and fitting.
  • I understand that, as soon as an order is made for the Hair Extensions, my purchase is none refundable or none transferrable. If i decide against wearing the hair extensions, these will become my property and given to me. No refund is available for the service part in this situation.
  • I understand that, being a model for Vixen Hair Extensions, the Hair Extensions used are hygiene products. These are non-returnable, refundable or transferable once fitted. This is also the case if the items are deemed a test product.
  • I must ensure i read all aftercare documents and use the correct products advised by Vixen Hair. I will have the opportunity to purchase the products at a special model price (10% discount on individuals or the package price as advised)
  • I understand that all Vixen Hair Extensions are made by hand and are specific to my needs. i understand this process can take up to 4 weeks to complete.
  • I agree to tagging Vixen Hair Extensions in 4 Instagram posts showcasing my new hair extensions.
  • I agree to being tagged in social media posts by Vixen Hair Extensions and sharing these to my stories or main page.
  • I agree to leaving a Google and Facebook review based on the service provide by my Vixen Hair Extension specialist.